Monday, 1 June 2015

India- The Success Story of 2015

India is back in the spotlight and all for the good reasons. It is not just fervent hope but an assertion grounded in reality. The government has taken number of steps to put the growth story back on track and the effects are for everyone to see. India’s GDP forecast for 2015 has been revised up significantly from 6.4% to 7.5% by International Monetary Fund (IMF), and China’s growth forecast was revised down from 7.1% in October to just 6.8%, it means that for the first time since 1999 India is projected to grow faster than China. It means that India is going to be the fastest growing major economy in the world in this year. IMF also expects India to continuously grow faster than China until 2020. According to a new data from IMF India is poised to surpass Russia this year in size and nearly equal Brazil’s in 2016.
Raising India’s credit rating by Moody’s is a further confirmation of the right steps being taken by the government. Moody‘s ratings, revised India’s sovereign rating outlook to “positive” from “stable”. It expects that the actions by the policymakers will enhance the country’s economic strength in the medium term. There is a precursor to a rating upgrade by Moody and other Credit Rating Agencies. This will reduce the cost of external borrowing for Indian business. It would also increase Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) in the Indian Capital Market. For an economy that is short of capital, this is a major positive development.
Labour, Capital and Natural Resources are the three main factors that help economic growth. We have abundant labour and natural resources but are short of Capital. If the economic outlook for the country improves, we will be able to attract international investments. Developed country’s main strategy has been to attract resources all across the world. Some recent development shows that we are moving in this direction.
The statements by IMF and Moody, point towards strong economic outlook for India in near future. PM Narender Modi’s foreign policy has just achieved this impossible in a short span of time. The IMF lauded the economic policies of Narendra Modi’s Government.
The reason for India’s economic resurgence is a decisive government under a strong leadership. The sense of despondency and despair has been replaced by a can-do belief and by a renewed hope for a better future. For the first time in the last 30 years a political party was voted to power with complete majority in the Lok Sabha. It was a positive vote for a change by a young and restless population that was not willing to let its leaders squander opportunities. "The conditions are ripe for India to reap the demographic dividend and become a key engine for global growth," Christine Lagarde (Managing Director IMF), said at an event organized at a women's college in New Delhi.
According to World Bank in its twice-yearly South Asia Economic Focus report, India’s expected growth acceleration is "driven by business-oriented reforms and improved investor sentiment" and that growth could reach 8 per cent in fiscal year 2017-18.
The role of Government cannot be overemphasized. Factors like young population, high savings and investment rates were very much present under the previous regime as well and yet the economy was faltering due to weak political leadership.
The break from the past was quite visible right after the elections. Though the new government took number of measures to put economy back on track, it is the large vision for the country and the confidence in its executional abilities that is inspiring confidence and optimism in the economy. The attitude of Government towards big business has been of a participatory nature for economic regeneration. Earlier investments had crippled due to lack of certainty and transparency. The government is trying to restore the confidence of the corporate sector. The complaint, if any, has been on the ‘slow speed’ of the reform measures.
With a firm realization that no piecemeal approach is going to work, the government is taking steps to address the structural problems of the economy and is not hesitating from either taking politically tough decisions or truncating its own powers and privileges in the larger national interest. The courage to take tough decisions comes from the conviction that national interest must prevail over fights based on narrow political considerations. Nothing but this explains the government’s resolve to amend the Land Acquisition Act. The government has also relaxed foreign investments in sectors such as Defence, Insurance, E-commerce and Railways and is focusing on ease of doing business.
The investor-friendly Narendra Modi government, which came to power in May 2014, promising faster growth, more jobs and quick clearances, has taken measures to fast-track clearances for projects, boosts infrastructure investment and remove policy uncertainty in mining and coal sectors. The target of Modi government is to increase the contribution of manufacturing sector to GDP from the present level.
The paradigmatic shift in approach is to address focused growth issues and propel economic growth. To flag major initiatives of the government to achieve above objectives are:
a.       Make in India: Accepting the fact that agriculture alone cannot provide gainful employment to the vast population, currently dependent on it and to pull people out of poverty, the government has made ‘Make in India’ one of its credo and has taken number of steps to boost manufacturing sector including reforming labour laws, availability of capital and skilled manpower. It is hoped that a host of measures being taken by the government will make India a preferred destination for setting up manufacturing base.
b.      Mudra Bank (Micro Units Development Refinance Agency): Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Mudra Bank which will benefit small and micro entrepreneurs and will also act as a regulator for 'Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs).  The roles envisaged for MUDRA include refinancing, their accreditation and rating requirements.
c.       Ease of Doing Business: The government is committed to ensure that starting, running and winding up of an enterprise does not continue to be a regulatory nightmare and entrepreneurs are not harassed due to burden of unnecessary regulatory compliances.
d.      Goods and Services Tax (GST): The government has already placed the Final Bill in the Parliament, which will be most probably passed in this session. Once implemented, it will create a common national market and also boost tax buoyancy. This will result in increase of about two percent in our GDP.
e.       Increase in FDI Limits: Foreign investment limit in Defense and Insurance sector has been increased to 49%. It is expected that the limits would be liberalized for other sectors as well.

f.        Reinvigoration of the Federal Structure:
·         14th Finance Commission: Under the present arrangement the state governments have the responsibility for most of the developmental work and maintain the requisite state apparatus but are dependent on the Centre for financial resources. The government by accepting the recommendation of the 14th Finance Commission has ensured that States’ share in central taxes has increased to an unprecedented 42%. The States also get more freedom to determine the expenditure and to tailor them according to local needs. This will help them getting out of the central sponsored straight jacketed fixed schemes.
·         Niti Aayog: The motive behind dismantling the Planning Commission and replacing it with Niti Aayog is to make the developmental process more participative. It is expected that Niti Aayog will emerge as an institution to formalize the sharing of best practices of states. With increased financial allocation to the State governments, it is a must that their institutional capacity is enhanced to properly spend this money.
g.       Land Acquisition Amendment Bill: Armed with feedbacks from various state governments and other stake-holders on the impracticability of certain provisions of the Land Acquisition Act of 2013, the government has placed an Amendment Bill 2015, making certain changes in the Act and will get the bill passed by the Parliament.
h.      Transparency in resource allocation: Successful allocation of spectrum and coalmines through auction has shown the way for the future. The robustness of the process also gives confidence to the corporate sector that the allocation would withstand challenge in the Court of Law. This process is expected to be followed in the future as, and has led to huge increment to the exchequer.
i.        Strong measures including a new Bill, are being implemented to check and control Black Money generation in the economy and it’s parking in Tax Havens.
j.        Farmers are the backbone of Indian economy. With more than 60% of our population dependant on agriculture and contributing only about 15 percent to GDP, there is an ever increasing problem of disguised and under employment. We need major boost for this sector. New focus is being given to development of rural infrastructure, establishment of cottage and village industries, electrification and provision of irrigation facilities in rural areas etc.
k.      Setting up of 100 Smart Cities: It is expected to bring in huge foreign investment and technology and make our cities better in terms of physical and social infrastructure, sustainable environment and geographical development across the Nation. This will also prevent urban migration and over crowding of urban clusters.
l.        Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY): The Jan Dhan Yojana of the government was started for comprehensive financial inclusion with the goal of opening a bank account for every household in India. Apart from financial inclusion, this scheme is also expected to check the leakages in the subsidy and will make it more targeted for the poor. With the linking of health and accidental insurance, it has also become an instrument for social security. More then 13 crore bank accounts have been opened in a short span and its success has been recognized internationally.
As must be expected, or even desired, there are some risks to this success story as well. The government lacks majority in the upper house of the Parliament and therefore major legislative reforms cannot be passed without the support of the opposition parties. While it has been the effort of the government to forge consensus even in the lower house (Lok Sabha) where it enjoys a comfortable majority, major legislative interventions can become hostage to narrow partisan considerations. Secondly the government has also been fortunate to have low oil prices giving it some space for fiscal maneuvering.
Moody’s has well grasped what the government is trying to achieve. In its recent statement it has said that, India’s policymakers are establishing a framework that will most likely allow India’s growth to continue to outperform that of its peers over medium term and improve India’s macro-economic, infrastructure and institutional profile. The effort of the government is to create an ecosystem of institutions, systems and processes that will ensure that the economy continues to grow rapidly with the government playing a supportive role in the background.
Finance Minister’s statement at America aptly sums up the strong fiscal numbers, when he says that the inflation is down to 5 percent, fiscal deficit to 3.9 percent, current account deficit to around one percent and GDP poised to grow around 7.5 percent, India is in for major leap on economic front. And as economists will agree with me, that strong economic growth is the answer to many of our Socio-economic problems, we are all in for good times ahead.
Gopal Krishna Agarwal
Member of National Executive BJP and Economics Policy Formulation Group

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